Retiree Chair Report November 2019


November , 2019

Well, I am starting to get ready for Christmas and the GM strike is over in the USA. As far as I can see the only thing the GM workers got is a big signing bonus. Little else was gained for workers. For those workers who want to retire there was no change in monthly pension payments. Their pensions are the same as they were in 2005. There is no money of any kind for current retirees.

An older GM worker in the U.S. said that GM is treating older workers like the way farmers treat an old horse when they put him or her out in the field and shoot them. When you retire from GM, they say make sure your family buys GM vehicles in order to support your pensions and if you win a lottery you must make sure that you buy a GM vehicle not a Rolls Royce. I do not know what you retirees are thinking? But my loyalty to GM is just about over. We as retirees cannot strike them anymore. But, between us and our families, we do have a lot of buying power. We may have to use this power in the future as a weapon against GM. We will see.

During the federal election the Liberals said anyone who gets OAS at 75 years old would get a 10 per cent increase and they would boost Canada Pension Plan for widows and widowers. Survivor’s benefits would be increased by 25 per cent. This would increase OAS by $729 a year or $60.75 a month and Canada Pension plan would increase of $2,080 a year and $173.33 a month. In July of 2020 the changes will take place. The Change to the Canada Pension Plan will have to have the approval of provincial governments.

It looks like Ford is starting to eliminate models from its assembly lines in Oakville, Ontario. There will be layoffs in Feb 2020. The toll will be 650 workers. The Ford Oakville plant population will be down to 4,200 workers. With the coming transition to electric cars and trucks we can look forward to a large scale downsizing at the Big Three auto corporations in Canada and the USA. Most new models will be electric.

The election we held last month saw all our past Retiree Executive Board members be re-elected. I am looking forward to the next three years working with these retirees on our board and having some fun with them as well.
At our December membership meeting we will have sixty turkey vouchers to be won in the monthly draw. Calendars will be given out as well. So, come out and win a turkey and get a calendar