16.072024 Member at LargeBy 199 AdminIn ELECTED REPS OF LCOAL 199, Executive Board Member at Large (2) Unifor Local 199 Executive Board has two Members-at-Large, one who is the Chairperson of the Unit...
16.072024 GuideBy 199 AdminIn Executive Board Guide The Guide is responsible for attending all Membership meetings. He/she checks identification at the door, distributes the Minutes and Financial...
16.072024 Vice PresidentBy 199 AdminIn Executive Board The Vice President The Vice President assists the President of the Local Union in performing all of his/her duties as required and...
31.102022 Member at Large-Chair of Unit CouncilBy 199 AdminIn Executive Board Member at Large (2) Unifor Local 199 Executive Board has two Members-at-Large, one who is the Chairperson of the Unit...
01.102022 Retiree ChairpersonBy 199 AdminIn Executive Board Retiree Chair Since 2016, Fred Dougan has been the Retiree Chair at Local 199. Prior to his retirement Fred worked...