Action Center – Job Posting

Sisters and Brothers,

Unifor National and Unifor Local 199 have secured funding from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development for the Unifor Niagara Regional Work Action Center. This centre will provide services such as job fairs, providing direct support to members seeking new employment, retraining opportunities, mental health services and more.


As part of this funding, the Center requires one Action Center Coordinator from the General Motors unit and one Action Center Coordinator for the affected IPS units (TORA, Spencer ARL, Knights FM, Assemble Rite).

Unifor National will be hiring this position for up to a one-year contract. Successful applicants will receive renumeration based on their full-time production rate.

Unifor National will also be hiring Peer Helpers, who will work one 8-hour shift per week in a support role. A daily honorarium of $240.00 will be paid to Peer Helpers (this is a great opportunity for laid off members to remain active in the Union).

To apply please follow the directions below:


Unifor will be hiring the following positions for up to a one-year contract: 



Action Center Coordinator x 2: Duties include organizing events such as job fairs, providing direct support to members seeking new employment, retraining, and skills upgrading, data entry, producing progress reports for the center, maintaining records, attending meetings with Unifor National and the Action Centers Labour Adjustment Committee. (One Coordinator from GM Unit, one Coordinator from IPS Units (Spencer ARL, Knights FM, TORA, Assemble Rite).

Peer Helpers:  These positions will aid the Action Center Coordinator in the daily operation of the Action Center. (Great opportunity for laid off members).


To apply:  Please indicate what position(s) you are applying for and send resume to Erin Harrison at 

Deadline to apply:  Tuesday, September 5, 2024, at 5:00 PM Eastern Time 


Coordinator Remuneration: Based on current (full-time) production rate. 


Peer Helpers Remuneration: A daily honorarium will be given of $240 per day with hours of work determined by the Labour Adjustment Committee of the Action Centre (no more than 8 hours per day). 


In solidarity,

Jordan Lennox, President

Unifor Local 199

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