Executive Board Local 199

January 17th 2019.  At the membership meeting held on Wednesday night President Greg Brady called an election for the Executive Board of Unifor Local 199 and six units.  Given the fact that we have so many new members in our Local Union we thought it would be a good idea to review the roles and responsibilities of the different Executive Board positions.  Unifor Local 199 currently has (13) Executive Board members of which only two (2) are full time positions, the President and the Financial Secretary.  Following is a list of all (13) positions we currently have and a brief description of their duties.


The President chairs the Executive Board and Membership Meetings, he/she preserves order, enforces the Unifor Constitution and Local Union By-laws. The President sets the agenda for our Local Union, supports all the bargaining committees during contract negotiations, handles grievances, discharges, termination agreements and arbitration cases for 23 different workplaces. The president liaises with our National Union, other community groups, labour organizations, all levels of government, and the media. The Local President is also an ex-officio member on all Local Union Committees except the Elections Committee.

Vice President

The Vice-President will assist the President in his/her duties and attend all Local Union meetings. If the President is absent or incapacitated, the Vice President will be the interim replacement of the President and will perform the President’s duties as outlined above.

Financial Secretary

The Financial Secretary approves all payments and is responsible for all financial transactions of the Local Union. The Financial Secretary reports in writing at both the Executive and Membership meetings, keeps an inventory of all Local Union records and property, and approves dues sent to the National Union.  The Financial Secretary will keep a complete record of all active members of the Local Union, The Financial Treasurer helps run the local union office works with the support staff, assists all units with EI, benefits pensions and WSIB as required.

Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary keeps accurate records of local union proceedings, writes the minutes at both the Executive Board and General Membership meetings, signs all requisitions for funds that have been authorized by the Local Union, will read all documents and correspondence that does not pertain directly to another officer’s duties. The Recording Secretary also records attendance, moves Executive Board recommendations and provides a report at General Membership meetings. The Recording Secretary will bring any correspondence requiring action to the members’ attention

Member At Large, (2 positions) (Unit Council Chair + Woman)

The Executive Board has two Members At Large the first is the chair of the Unit Council. The Unit Council which consists of (24) elected chairpersons, one from each unit, they elect a Chairperson to represent the Council.  Once elected they are automatically on the Executive Board.  (The Member at Large – Unit Council Chair) schedules and chairs Unit Council meetings and reports issues and concerns to the board.

The second member at large must be a woman, she is elected by ALL members to ensure that there is a voice on the Executive Board to bring forward  issues that affect women members.  This member at large represents women from all Units of Local 199.  This Member At  Large is traditionally the liaison with the Women’s Standing Committee.

Local Union Guide

The Local Union Guide takes attendance, distributes printed materials such as minutes and financial statements at the membership meetings, and ensures that only members and invited guests attend the membership meeting.

The Sergeant-At-Arms

Maintains order at the membership meeting, ensures that members all have an opportunity to participate equally in the discussion.

Retiree Chairperson

The retiree chapter holds an election to select the Retiree Chapter Chair, once elected they are automatically on the Executive Board. The retiree Chairperson is the voice of our retirees on the Executive Board.

 Trustees  (3 positions)

Unifor 199 has accountants that perform an annual audit who report to the Financial Secretary and Trustees. The Trustees ensure that the Financial Secretary is keeping the Local union finances in order, attend board meeting and participate in the business of the local union.

Young Worker

The Young worker on the Executive Board is the newest position on the Board.  In 2016 when the By-laws were re written we added a position for a member that is under 35 at the time of election.  They represent all young workers in all units and bring forward the perspective and concerns of young workers. The Young Worker on the Executive board is the liaison with the Young Workers Committee

It is important to note that the role of Executive Board members evolve over time and often change, the above should be viewed as a guide.  For more information about these positions visit our website, read  Local 199 By Laws , and the Unifor constitution, direct links are also listed below.

In Solidarity,

Peter Scott
Recording Secretary