EI Program for Workers in Canada

I just received an email from Lana Payne, President Unifor Canada stating that as part of Unifor’s campaign to secure an inclusive, equitable and resilient EI program for workers in Canada, Unifor is pleased to report that the Employment Insurance (EI) Board of Appeal (BOA) is seeking nominations for qualified labour representatives to sit on the new tripartite appeal structure.

This is a huge victory for Unifor, for the labour movement, and other organizations who have been calling for a tripartite review structure.

It is because of our union’s coalition work and relentless advocacy that Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) announced on May 9 that they would be starting the selection process for the much-anticipated new Board of Appeal (BOA) structure.

The call for nominations for union representatives is now open online. This is a critical moment for Unifor to ensure proper and diverse representation for workers on these appeal boards.

Local unions are encouraged to recommend applicants and to provide letters of recommendation. Applications and letters of recommendations must be submitted through ESDC’s online portal by October 14, and I ask that you notify Unifor’s Pension and Benefits department (updated email address) upon submission of all applications to ensure we monitor and support representation from Unifor. Applicants must commit to 2 to 3 days a month.

Please continue to engage your local and members in this campaign work by visiting our Fix Employment Insurance campaign page.

In solidarity,

Jordan Lennox
Unifor Local 199

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