WSIB Update – July 2024

         July, 2024


  • Question: What can I do to make sure I have a successful claim?


Answer:  Make sure you inform your Supervisor of the injury right away. A totally legit claim can be denied if supervision was not informed of the injury. Also make sure you get health care immediately. The majority of claims denied are for these two reasons.


  • Question: When is an injury at work not worth reporting?


Answer– No injury is too small. What may appear as nothing at the time of injury, can turn into something more serious in the future. There are documented cases of people getting a simple paper cut that turns into a major infection. The little tweak in the back injury could be a slow developing muscle cramp or pulled muscle. REPORT EVERY INJURY TO YOUR EMPLOYER


  • Question: If I get injured at work, can anybody help me from the Local?


Answer: Yes, if you are injured at work and need any help, please contact myself, Mike Winterbottom at 905 682 2611, ext 227. I can assist you with filing the proper paperwork to the WSIB and I can also help with any work accommodation you may need.

Issued by,

Mike Winterbottom
Secretary-Treasurer/WSIB Rep.
Unifor Local 199

July, 2024


WSIB Update – July, 2024