Canadian Council 2023


We want to thank all local unions leaders and activists for your outstanding participation in our most recent Canadian Council, which took place in Halifax from August 18 to 20. Your energy, your presence, and your activism have inspired us for another year of Unifor power!

There are a few items of business we wanted to make sure to share with local unions at this time:

  • You can now find a report outlining resolutions that were adopted at the 2023 Canadian council here.
  • As part of the documents provided for the 2023 Canadian Council was a Report outlining Resolutions and Constitutional Amendments adopted at the 2022 Constitutional Convention. You can find the report here.
  • With the adopted constitutional amendments made in 2022, delegates to the BIWOC Conference will be electing an individual to sit as the Indigenous representative on the National Executive Board. Locals interested in more information and details on the process can contact National Representative for Indigenous Relations Gina Smoke.
  • The 2022 Unifor Constitution is available online.
  • You can now find summary minutes of the National Executive Board available on the Unifor website. New summaries will be posted once reviewed and approve by the NEB so bookmark it and check back for updates.

As the summer comes to an end, and our union’s activities continue to be in full swing, we wish all of our members, activists, leaders and staff a wonderful autumn.

Let’s keep organizing!

In solidarity,

Lana Payne
Len Poirier
Daniel Cloutier
Gavin McGarrigle
Samia Hashi
Jennifer Murray