GM Retiree Health Care Benefits

Effective, January 1, 2022

The asrTrust who administers the healthcare benefits for GM retirees sent out a survey in 2020 asking for feedback on the health care benefits being provided.    After reviewing the feedback from the retirees, the asrTrust subsequently made several changes to improve the coverage for retirees which included increases in some of the benefits, such as dental and Long Term Care.   I have received lots of calls from retirees about their benefits so have attached a link to a video that was made to explain the changes.  To watch the video and read about the changes,  click on the links below.


This information is also available on our local union website, go to GM Unit, Healthcare Benefits. GM Benefits Page

asrTrust Website 

We encourage retirees to visit the asrTrust website for updates and detailed information,  use the following instructions  to review the GM Retiree Benefits information.

Go to:
Login: enter your local’s # (199)
Click: Your Plan (Top right)
Scroll down to “What’s New
click on: GMCL 2022 Quick Reference Guide
Scroll down to “Health and Dental Benefits
click on: GMCL Retiree Booklet- January 1, 2022


If you have any questions or need help understanding these changes please don’t hesitate to call us.


Lawrence Robson, Benefits Rep. 
Bronwyn Bowslaugh, Alt. Benefits Rep.
Phone 905-641-6444