GM Retiree Benefits updated

November 3, 2021

asrTrust Benefits Coverages Update

 Effective January 1, 2022 there will be important updates to the asrTrust Benefits Coverages. The asrTrust has reviewed the completed surveys from December 2020 and as a result there has been a large number of changes to the coverage. Please find listed bellow some of the adjustments to the Plan.

Retired members will be mailed out an information letter in early December with the asrTrust Benefits Booklets to follow end of December.

This change is Effective January 1, 2022. This change is from the asrTrust(Plan Sponsor) GREEN SHIELD is the Plan Provider. Green Shield Call Centre does not have the updated changes until January 1, 2022. See the ASR Trust website for further updates:

Why an increase now?

Over the last year, the asrTrust fund has reviewed the trust fund and the member’s surveys, reached out to our Provider for costing of the Benefits plan and was able to cost effectively approve changes for January 1, 2022.

With the effects of Covid 19 resulting in a reduction of services, there was a large cost savings for the fund.

When the fund was created, the estimation of costs and use of the Benefits Plan were on the higher end. Over the years the fund now has an actual running base of costs and use of the plan.   


Effective January 1, 2022

Long Term Care

Increased to $1,600 month


$3,000/year. No lag in scheduled fees

Basic Services

100% of eligible expenses, upto 8 units scaling. General Dentist


100% of eligible expenses

Major Services

100% of eligible expenses

Dental Implant’s

100% of eligible expenses


100% of eligible expenses

Prescription Drugs

100% of eligible expenses. No out of pocket expenses;

no cap on dispensing fee


100% for routine eye exams up to $140 every 24 months

100% IOL Master exam coverage

-Cataract- related services. $250 lifetime max.


100% of eligible expenses to an annual maximum of $750 for all paramedical services providers was $300


100%-$1,500/year max.

Mental Health

Registered Clinical Psychologist or Mast of Social Work (MSW) 100%- $750/year combined.

Home Support Services. In-home Nurse/PSW

100% of eligible expenses
$100,000/12 months max Includes unlimited PSW


100% of eligible expenses for hearing aids

Please contact your local Benefits Representative if you have any further questions.


In Solidarity,

Lawrence Robson                                                                        Bronwyn Bowslaugh
Benefits Rep.                                                                                Alt. Benefits Rep.
Unifor Local 199                                                                          Unifor Local 199

Contact # 905-641-6444

Click here for Retiree Benefit Improvements