GM Medical Information


As the Plant chair I need to express some frustration on the newly revised Plan Members Statement Claim for Disability Benefits form, as well as the Attending Physician’s Statement Disability Claim form, that GM amended and put into circulation for our members starting July 1st, 2020.

If you get ill or have an injury, GM as the Plan Sponsor is requiring members to freely give up their private medical information. We as Union Leadership feel this is a violation of the collective agreement, the Human Rights code and/or any relevant Canadian privacy statutes.

As a Union, on Behalf of our membership we have filed a Policy Grievance to protect your rights. As such the Plan Members Statement Claim for Disability Benefits form, and the Attending Physician’s Statement Disability Claim form is subject to the Grievance Procedure and has not yet been finalized. Therefore, we cannot advise members not to fill in these amended S&A forms. Although we do not condone these forms, we do recognize that Sun Life, our Sick and Accident carrier may not adjudicate your claim if they are not filled in completely.

We certainly do not agree with the Company acquiring this private medical information from you. But we also understand that if you do not fill in the forms, Sun Life will not provide you S&A benefit. No employer should be allowed to request this type of personal private medical information from their employees. Again, that is why we have filed a Policy Grievance in order to expedite a resolve that respects the privacy of your health records and does not violate the collective agreement, the Human rights code and or any relevant privacy statutes of Canada.

We appreciate your support and recognize the challenges this may bring for members needing to use this bargaining benefit. That is why we are committed to resolving this as quickly as possible and will continue to provide updates as we continue through the grievance process.

Printable Report Revised Plan Members Statement

In Solidarity,

Tim McKinnon
GM Master Bargaining Chairperson
GM St Catharines Chairperson
Unifor Local 199
St. Catharines Propulsion plant
Cell: 905-658-6935
Email: Tim.McKinnon@GM.COM