Recently a member went onto the Green Shield website and posted on Facebook that we had Osteopath coverage in our GM benefit package. Unfortunately this was not an accurate statement and the GM plan does not cover this benefit. The Green Shield website is very confusing, we have provided an example below. If you read the attached example it states the plan would pay $0 for Osteopath, another line say Osteopath is not a benefit based on the province of residence. The member made a follow up call to Green Shield and asked if GM had Osteopath coverage and was told yes, which is not true.

When checking your Benefit coverages on the Green Shield website be careful to read the information on the pages correctly. If you are not looking at the whole page there is a chance of missing important Group and Provincial plan information. If you have any questions about your health care coverage the best source for that information is your GM Benefit reps, if we don’t know the answer we will find out and get back to you.

For further information contact.

Mark Roy/Lawrence Robson.


The following link is an example for “CHECKING FOR MY COVERAGE” on their website.

I highlighted key areas to check when looking up coverages for a particular benefit. Which in the example states the Benefit is not covered under our plan. Checking Green Shield website