Canada’s Wonderland/Unifor Day – Sunday, June 26, 2022

Unifor National has organized a “Unifor Day” at Canada’s Wonderland. This event will take place June 26th, 2022. Canada’s Wonderland has agreed to open the park one hour early for Unifor members and will be providing a buffet lunch. Parking is included and Unifor representatives will be walking the park handing out prizes to members dressed in Unifor gear or red.

The cost for an adult ticket is $46.98 and for a child it is $42.46.

The Local 199 Executive Board will be subsidizing the cost per ticket for ACTIVE members and their dependents at a rate or $15.00 per ticket, to a maximum of five (5) tickets per member.  This subsidy will apply to the first 250 tickets only, on a first come first served basis (Proof of on-line purchase required for your subsidy).

The Union office is located downstairs at 124 Bunting Road, St. Catharines, and is open from 9:00am to 3:30pm daily.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Link to purchase tickets: Click here to purchase tickets

Canada Wonderland poster

In solidarity,

Jordan Lennox, President
On behalf of the Local 199 Executive Board
905-682-2611 Ex; 225