Financial Secretary Report – December 2020


This year has been like no other, one I hope to never see again.  The challenges that our members have faced getting through this pandemic have been extraordinary and I thank everyone for your patience in dealing with the EI or CERB programs.

Due to COVID-19 the General Membership meetings were cancelled; the local’s Executive Board has continued to meet monthly, first by zoom and then in a in-person socially distancing setting, in order to continue to serve our members. To ensure we would make the year end without a deficit, we had to make some temporary changes to our operations as layoffs occurred throughout all of our workplaces. Expenses were also reduced due to the cancellation of the National union annual convention, councils, and conferences. All Unifor educational courses are now being offered online while the Port Elgin Education facility remains closed.

Although this year has been challenging for all, our Union, both nationally through the social justice fund and locally, was able to continue supporting those less fortunate in our local communities. We contributed over $23,000 to various charities around the Niagara region in December.






This upcoming year will be difficult for those who permanently lost their jobs, are laid off or have been impacted by COVID-19. Local 199 will continue to adapt during this unprecedented time to support our members.

If you have questions or concerns of any kind, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I want to wish you a very safe and Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring good health, and happiness.

In Solidarity,

Steve McMullen
Financial Secretary-Treasurer
Local 199, 124 Bunting Rd., St. Catharines, ON   L2P 3G5
Phone :  905-682-2611, ext. 227;
Mobile :  905-964-6285
FAX 905-682-9393
