Young Workers Take Action
National Young Workers Conference
May 8-10 2020

Unifor Family Education Centre, Port Elgin, Ontario

The times we live in are ripe with challenges and crisis. Economic inequality is growing, governments and employers across the country are undermining hard-fought workers’ rights, our public services are starved for money to deliver important front-line services to our communities. In addition, the global insecurity caused by climate change is making many young people delay life plans and feel the pressure of these difficult times.

Young workers today are living through it all.

How can our generation be the one to affect change and improve the lives of working people across Canada and all over the world? Young union members have most of our working lives ahead of us, and we’re connected to working people across the country through our union. While it may be hard to see the hope in the world we live in, we must remember that we have the possibility of building our union, activating members around us, and overcoming barriers that seek to divide us. Our union can be our avenue to fight for a better future for everyone.

This conference will have a special focus on the following topics:

  • The challenge of improving health and safety protections for workers struggling with mental health issues in the workplace.
  • Why climate change is presenting an urgent public health crisis for our workplaces and communities.
  • Fighting to defend workers’ rights to ensure a fair, prosperous future for all working people in Canada.
  • Organizing within and in solidarity with equity groups in our membership

The National Young Workers’ conference will mix educational workshops with skill-building sessions. Young workers who participate will acquire important tools and resources to get active and make a difference in their workplace, in their union and in their community. The conference is open to Unifor members who are 35 or younger.

Accommodation check-in is at 3:00 p.m. Conference check-in begins on Friday, May 8 at 5:00 p.m.. The conference will begin at 7 p.m. on Friday and end at 12 noon on Sunday.

DEADLINE: The registration deadline is April 17, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Looking forward to a great conference.
In solidarity,

Roxanne Dubois
Director of Strategic Planning
Young Workers Liaison