Welded Tube New 3 year Agreement

On Tuesday October 29th Unifor Members at Local 199’s Newest Unit, voted to ratify their first contract. Welded Tube is a diversified steel pipe producer in Welland with 160 members. The three-year agreement included; wage and benefit improvement, a grievance process, transfer and job posting language, safety shoe and eye glass coverage. The agreement was passed by (71%).

On behalf of the Executive Board I would like to thank the Bargaining Committee, John Lorenz, Steve McCulligh, & Michael Taylor for their hard work to negotiate this agreement. I would slo like to thank Unifor National Rep. Doug Orr for his ongoing support and guidance through the bargaining process.

An election will be scheduled in the near future to select the Bargaining committee that will represent this new unit for the next three years. Grievance Handling, Collective Bargaining and Health & Safety Training will also be scheduled.

In Solidarity
Greg Brady, President uniform Local 199