Pre Retirement Seminar Sept 2019

Planning For Your Future, Pre Retirement Course DATE CHANGE

The Planning For Your Future Course has been re scheduled, registrations are lower than expected and two presenters are not available.  The New date is Saturday 26th October.  We will contact all members who were registered.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Peter Scott
905-682-2611 x 238

The decision to retire is probably one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Unifor Local 199 has scheduled a One-Day Pre Retirement Planning Seminar For members thinking about or close to retirement. The course is scheduled Saturday, 14th September  2019.  We bring in a variety of experts to deliver presentation explain your government and company pensions,  GM benefits & Pension and the UNIFOR legal plan. Anyone who is considering retirement is encouraged to attend.

Since the Oshawa announcement there have been several ads in the news paper for (GM Pension Seminars)  it is important that our members know these ads are from private financial institutions and are not endorsed or organized by GM or UNIFOR.  Please do not confuse these session with the OFFICIAL UNIFOR PENSION Seminar we offer.

For the past 5 years we have be scheduling one day seminars for our members and spouses the feedback has been excellent.

Presentations include:

  • A UNIFOR Lawyer to talk about wills, probate and power of Attorney
  • A rep from the Government of Canada to talk about CPP – OAS and can answer any detailed questions pertaining to Government benefits..
  • Valuable tips and advice from UNIFOR /GM retirees
  • The UNIFOR GM Pension Rep will be in attendance to explain the GM Pensions
  • The UNIFOR GM Benefit Rep will talk about your healthcare benefits and insurance.& Health Care Benefits
  • We Bring in a Certified Financial Planner from FirstOntario Credit Union to explain Commuted Value and Annuities
  • We provide Information about the UNIFOR  retiree chapter & Lounge
  • Spouses are welcome and are encouraged to attend, tea, coffee and a hot lunch and all course material will be provided.

As you can see we bring in a variety of experts  with a wide range of expertise, we PROVIDE a VALUABLE SERVICE TO OUR MEMBERS and not trying to make a profit from future retirees.

“Retire Wise be Well Advised”

For more information please contact Peter Scott 905-682-2611 x 238

Space is limited so it is important that you register to attend this course.