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Latest News Around the Local

In this section all articles and postings from all reps and standing committees will be displayed with the latest news item on the top of the page, you can scroll down the page to see more articles, to read the article simply click read more. After reading the article click on the go back button at the bottom of the posting and you will navigate back to this page “Latest News Around the Local”.

GM Chair Report March 2017

GM Chair Report March 2017

GM UNIT Chair Report, March 2017 March 22nd 2017   Meeting in Toronto The National and Local Unions from St...

Earth Hour 2017

Earth Hour 2017

Earth Hour 25th March 2017, Earth Hour is an annual event, usually held on the last Saturday evening in March, when...

Unifor Bursaries

Unifor Bursaries

Scholarships & Bursaries Applications must be received by April 30th 2017. Unifor offers 28 – $2,000 bursaries each year, applications are...

Family Education Program

Family Education Program

Unifor local 199 is inviting our Members to apply for the Family Education Program.  This is a unique program where members and their...

International Women’s Day 2017

International Women’s Day 2017

On March 8, Unifor marks International Women’s Day with the theme Persistence with solidarity toward equality.  The past year has...

Stand up for  Pensions

Stand up for Pensions

On October 19, 2016, Bill C-27, An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985, was quietly introduced in...

Orange Crush Zones

Orange Crush Zones

Health and Safety Report – Orange Crush Zones  March 2017 Orange Crush Zones The first week in January, the GSC business team...

International Women’s Day 2017

International Women’s Day 2017 Campaign Theme: #BeBoldForChange International Women’s Day as a vehicle for change, is it possible?For International Women’s...

International RSI Day

International RSI Day

  International Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day (RSI Day) On February 28, we mark the International Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness...

Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day began in Berwick, Nova Scotia,  Canada in 2007 when David Shepherd, Travis Price and a group of...

Final Offer – Video

Final Offer – Video

FINAL OFFER 1984 The film Final offer was made in 1984, most autoworkers will remember this turbulent time. New Hires...

Robert White 1935-2017

Robert White 1935-2017

February 20th 2017, It is with great sadness that we share the news of Brother Bob Whites passing. Bob White was...

7th Annual Women Wellness Event

7th Annual Women Wellness Event

On Thursday, February 16th 2017 at Club Roma, some members of the Women’s Committee attended the 7th Annual Women and...

GM Retirees 2017

GM Retirees 2017

GM Retirees Feb 2017 Today a large group of retirees from GM attended a ceremony in the Retiree Centre, President...

More on Mist Collectors

Health & Safety Report, February 7th 2017 In October we reported the progress we made on the mist collector issue...

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The unifor National Union regularly produces news stories about important events and issues that are of interest to our membership, the public, academics, journalists and others. These news stories are posted on the CAW website with the most recent stories at the top. For current news articles and links visit the following link

Many of these stories are also prepared as press releases and sent out over the Canada News Wire. Press releases syndicated through the CNW Group can be found on the website.

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